Hire The Best 3D
Animation Studio

◎ Character Modeling

◎ Medical Animation

◎ Product Animation

◎ Commercial Animation


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About Us

3D animation and 3D modeling

Welcome to Masseediq, your premier destination for comprehensive 3D services. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, we specialize in an array of dynamic offerings including character modeling, medical animation, product visualization, commercial animation, and cutting-edge immersive technologies such as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), XR (Extended Reality), and MR (Mixed Reality).
At Masseediq, we are driven by a passion for innovation and a dedication to exceeding client expectations. Our seasoned team of professionals combines artistic vision with technical expertise to deliver bespoke solutions tailored to your unique needs.
Utilizing the latest advancements in 3D technology, including industry-leading software such as Autodesk Maya, Blender, and Cinema 4D, we bring characters to life with intricate detail and visualize complex medical procedures with unparalleled accuracy.
From captivating commercials to immersive virtual experiences, Masseediq harnesses the power of 3D software to captivate, educate, and inspire audiences across diverse industries. From bringing characters to life with intricate detail to visualizing complex medical procedures with unparalleled accuracy, Masseediq harnesses the power of 3D technology to captivate, educate, and inspire audiences across diverse industries.

Partner with Masseediq and unlock the potential of immersive storytelling. Let us transform your ideas into immersive experiences that resonate and endure.


Years In Business


Happy Clients


Projects Completed


Trained Staff

Our Services

Enhance Your Business with Our 3D Services

Interactive 3D Product Visualization

From conceptualization to execution, we craft dynamic product animations that showcase your offerings in the best light, driving engagement and sales.

Custom 3D Character Creation

Our expert artists bring characters to life with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring each creation is rich in personality and authenticity.

3D Medical Animation

We specialize in producing accurate and engaging medical animations that simplify complex concepts, making them accessible to diverse audiences.

3D Commercial Animation

Elevate your brand with captivating commercial animations that leave a lasting impression on viewers, effectively communicating your message and value proposition.


Explore the forefront of immersive technologies with our AR, VR, XR, and MR solutions, designed to transform how users interact with your content and experiences.

VR Chat

Immerse your audience in interactive virtual environments with our VR Chat solutions, fostering real-time communication and collaboration in virtual spaces.

Additional Services

We Also Offer

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Why Choose Us

Reasons For Choosing Us As Best 3D Animation Services


We deliver exceptional quality and attention to detail in every project.


Utilizing cutting-edge technology, we push creative boundaries for captivating results.


Our team is committed to exceeding your expectations with unwavering dedication.

Attention to Detail

Trust in our skilled professionals to bring your vision to life with expertise.

Skilled Team

Meticulously crafted projects ensure perfection in every detail.

Customer Satisfaction

Your satisfaction is our priority, backed by our proven track record of success.

Passionate about 3D Excellence


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People Say The Best Things

Explore our client testimonials and find out why our 3D services are making waves. From stunning visuals to exceptional quality, we're proud to be the talk of the town.

Jeniffer Smith


A pleasure to work with! Masseediq’s team provided top-notch service and delivered outstanding results. We look forward to collaborating with them again in the future.

Pamela Duncan


Professionalism at its finest! Masseediq’s team went above and beyond to ensure our project’s success. We couldn’t be happier with the results.

Steve Tailor


Highly recommended! Masseediq’s team delivered exceptional quality and service, making our project a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Not sure where to begin with your 3D projects?

We've got you covered. We offer a wide range of 3D services to meet all your needs.


Reach Out To Us

We specialize in 3D services, including animations and modeling. Our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional quality and craftsmanship in every project. Contact us today to discuss how we can bring your vision to life.

24th St. Ave. San Francisco, California

Phone: +2348-14547-0852

Email: admin@masseediq.com

Let's Bring Your Vision to Life

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